Thursday, April 16, 2009

One Day Without Shoes Today!

One Day Without Shoes is today! Loose those shoes, kick off those kicks, and go barefoot to raise awareness for those who go without shoes everyday. More than two billion people, that’s 40 percent of the world, walk without shoes each day. That means more than are at risk from cuts and sores that can lead to serious infections if not treated properly. Children are often not allowed to attend school without shoes, something so simple as a pair of shoes can mean the difference between a child receiving an education or not. In Ethiopia, approximately one million people are suffering from Podoconiosis, a debilitating and disfiguring disease caused by walking barefoot in volcanic soil. See The reality is that Podoconiosis is 100% preventable by wearing shoes. What would you do to prevent someone from a life time of suffering?

If you are debating whether to take your shoes off for a day, for a class or even an hour, then draw strength from the alarming number of people who live without this luxury each day. Walk barefoot with pride knowing that with each step you take, you raise awareness for billions around the world, not only making their lives more comfortable, but saving them as well.

Join us and others from around the Rockville, Maryland area in walking one mile barefoot to raise awareness today at 11am outside the Old Red Brick Courthouse, 29 Courthouse Square Rockville, Maryland 20850. Bring your friends and family!

Follow us on Twitter @RockBarefoot for the latest from the walk.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Weather Tomorrow

I know the weather has been on everyone's mind recently, even mine. Lucky for us the weatherman is calling for sunny skies and a high of 62 degrees tomorrow. The walk will still go as planned rain or shine. Today's constant drizzle has not dampened my spirits, look on the bright side the rain has washed everything clean for our bare feet tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Attention Students!

Today I met with Richard Montgomery High School principal, Dr. McLeod, to discuss the possibility of the students to leave the school grounds during their lunch period and participate in the "One Day Without Shoes" walk. He was very receptive to the idea and, in fact, he encouraged it. However, he cannot allow students to leave the campus without parental permission.
Students attending Richard Montgomery High School just need to visit and download the permission form, have it signed and returned to the main office before you leave school on Thursday. We, also, have a permission slip available to students who attend Clarksburg High School
A handwritten note signed by your parent works just as well.

Students attending other schools can simply have their parents write a note permitting them to participate.

Monday, April 13, 2009

How can you help?

Recently I was asked a very simple question by a friend, "How can I help?" I've got the easy to do answer.
  • First and foremost make sure you attend the walk!
  • Second invite all your friends and family (via Facebook, Twitter, email, texts, word of mouth, etc.).
  • Third put up posters for the walk coming up in 3 days!! Follow this link, download the image, print out lots of copies of the flyers and post them all over, in your house, in the local library, on a public bulletin board (Panera, Starbucks, and Giant Supermarkets among others often have these). Be creative! Let us know either through email at or on our Twitter @RockBarefoot of your efforts.
  • Fourth buy a pair of TOMS shoes or wrap boots. For every pair you buy, TOMS gives a pair away to a person in need. One for One. Ecomony got you down? Use the promo code: CAMPUSHTS and recieve $5 off your order. Just a little something for being so great!
I can't wait to see you all this Thursday at 11am. Bring a friend or two with you a come prepared to walk barefoot. We will have a bin out so if you do come with shoes you can leave them in the bin and it will be magically transported via car to our ending destination.

Happy posting,